On moving and writing

2024-02-25 23:00

I'm sat writing this now at the very tail end of packing everything for our return to Japan. Bags of toys, clothes and all sorts of odds and ends lay carefully wrapped in boxes or still strewn across the floor. It has been two and a half years now since my wife Keiko, my firstborn daughter and I last lived there.

Deciding to move back has been a painful and slow process, but we've found ourselves at the bottom of a simple dilemma -- it's just too expensive to live and work in the UK at the moment. I'm sure any UK reader will appreciate that the time since mid 2021 has brought more than its fair share of trouble, and not just financially! Anyhow, it's time for a reset. Keiko will be trying to get back into work, which she hasn't had since moving. For my part, I'll be trying to pick up where I left off.

It's been an interesting two years. I've really enjoyed my work, where I've learned a great deal. I've been able to see the birth of my second child and raise the both of them in a truly loving environment, surrounded by family. And Keiko and the girls have all benefitted from the opportunity to learn a lot of English. On the other hand, we've struggled to get off the ground financially, have been stuck in the small town I grew up in since we've arrived and struggled to get much of a social life together.

Personally, I feel I've sacrificed a lot for my family these last couple of years. There's a satisfaction in that, and I'm hopeful we'll all reap the benefits of those sacrifices for years to come. Sitting here now, flying in less than 24 hours, I think I can truly say the girls lives have been enriched by the experience. I hope that Keiko and I have a chance to pursue our own interests and lives a little more on the other side, while holding onto what we've made here.

I'm looking forwards to getting my camera out a lot more than I have been the last couple of years, and hopefully the fruit of that work will be here for you to see!

Onwards to Japan!